2025 | Manbazar to Purulia Bus Timetable | Route

Manbazar to Purulia Bus Timetable and Route

Traversing between Manbazar and Purulia in West Bengal has never been more convenient with the plethora of city buses operating on the Manbazar to Purulia bus route.

For those seeking the latest Manbazar to Purulia bus timetable, look no further. This article will provide comprehensive details to ensure your journey is smooth and hassle-free.

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Manbazar to Purulia Bus Key Information

The following table provides a quick overview of the Manbazar to Purulia bus route, including starting and ending points, frequency, operational hours, ticket fare, distance, notable stops, contact number, and online booking availability.

Starting PointManbazar
FrequencyEvery 15 to 30 minutes
Operational Hours5:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Ticket FareAffordable fares for all travelers
DistanceApproximately 32 km
Average DurationAround 2 hours
Notable StopsJitujori, Gopalnagar, Jabla, Maa Manasa Devi temple, Kenda, Balakdi, Shyamdi, Purulia
Contact NumberSBSTC Purulia contact number: 7699993932
Online BookingNot available

Manbazar to Purulia Bus Route

Manbazar to Purulia Bus Route in Google Maps

The distance between Manbazar New bus stand to Purulia is approximately 32 km, which typically takes around 50 minutes by car.

However, due to multiple stops along the way, city buses between Manbazar and Purulia usually take around 2 hours to complete the journey.

The Manbazar to Purulia Bus Route includes stops at:

  1. Manbazar
  2. Jitujori
  3. Gopalnagar
  4. Jabla
  5. Maa Manasa Devi temple
  6. Kenda
  7. Balakdi
  8. Shyamdi
  9. Purulia

Manbazar to Purulia Bus Timetable

Here is the complete list of Manbazar to Purulia bus timetable:

Departure TimeOperatorEstimated Arrival
04:00 AMShital/Riya Travels06:00 AM
04:20 AMChhnnomosta Travels06:20 AM
04:50 AMShyamashree Travels06:50 AM
05:15 AMRajput Travels07:15 AM
05:50 AMMini Rajput Travels07:50 AM
06:05 AMBijoy Travels08:05 AM
06:35 AMPalli Rani Travels08:35 AM
07:05 AMAjad Travels09:05 AM
07:30 AMJoydeb Travels09:30 AM
07:50 AMShreedurga Travels09:50 AM
08:20 AMDevidurga Travels10:20 AM
08:45 AMRajput Travels10:45 AM
09:10 AMMonalisa Travels11:10 AM
09:30 AMParthasarathi Travels11:30 AM
09:50 AMDevidurga Express11:50 AM
10:10 AMMa Kalyani Travels12:10 PM
10:30 AMSangeeta Travels12:30 PM
10:50 AMR.S. Travels12:50 PM
11:10 AMMaa Chinnamasta Travels01:10 PM
11:30 AMShital/Riya Travels01:30 PM
11:50 AMKalyan/Sourav Travels01:50 PM
12:15 PMRajput Travels02:15 PM
12:40 PMShamyashree Travels02:40 PM
01:05 PMBijoy Travels03:05 PM
01:30 PMKalika Travels03:30 PM
01:50 PMMonalisa Travels03:50 PM
02:20 PMAntara/Mahapravu Travels04:20 PM
02:45 PMParthasarathi/Ganga Travels04:45 PM
03:10 PMGulsan Travels05:10 PM
03:35 PMKalika Travels05:35 PM
04:10 PMKrishnasarathi/Parthasarathi Travels06:10 PM
04:30 PMPurulia Express06:30 PM
05:20 PMR.S. Travels07:20 PM
05:40 PM9XM Travels07:40 PM

Note: While every effort is made to maintain accuracy, please be aware that bus timings are subject to change. Passengers are advised to verify the latest schedule information from the bus stand inquiry before starting their journey.

Also Read: Haryana Roadways Delhi To Yamunanagar Bus Timetable, Fare, Online Booking

SBSTC Manbazar Contact Number

For any inquiries regarding Manbazar to Purulia bus timetable, route, or ticketing inquiries, call SBSTC Manbazar contact number ‘8653002491‘.

Manbazar to Purulia Bus Online Booking

As of now, online booking of buses between Manbazar and Purulia is not available.

Manbazar to Purulia Bus Timetable FAQ

When does the first bus depart from Manbazar to Purulia?

The first bus departs from Manbazar to Purulia at 04:00 AM.

When is the last bus from Manbazar to Purulia?

The last bus from Manbazar to Purulia departs at 05:40 PM..

What is the distance between Manbazar to Purulia?

The distance between Manbazar and Purulia is approximately 32 km.

How much time does it take from Manbazar to Purulia?

On average, it takes around 2 hours to travel from Manbazar to Purulia by bus.

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